For Sale - PR - 3224 - MET-PET Metallized Films


Reference Numbers

PR - 3224


MET-PET Metallized Films



Product Details

Metallized Film is used for high barrier, Flexible packaging, metallic yarn, sequins for textiles, decoratives, etc.
Metallized BOPP films are used for flexible packaging, gift wraps and decoaratives.

The thickness of PET films starts from 07 micron to 150 mic and thickness of OPP from 8 mic to 75 mic with maximum width of 3300 mm.
Optical Density range from 1.8 to 3.5 ,Metallized PET, OPP and CPP films, Low Optical Density PET film (0.4 OD) & Alox coating.

1) Type:- J200M0
Description:- Normal density metallization on plain side and other side plain
Standard Thickness* (µ):- 8,9,10,12,23 µ

USP:- Standard Density
Standard Metal Bond Strength
Standard Water Vapour and Gas Barrier properties
Good Lamination Bond Strength
Excellent Machinability

Application:- Suitable for flexible packaging application, especially for higher gloss and barrier properties.

2) Type:- J200M4
Description:- High density metallization on plain surface with plasma treatment and other side plain.
Standard Thickness* (µ):- 12 µ

USP:- High Density
Standard Metal Bond Strength
High Water Vapour and Gas Barrier properties
Good Lamination Bond Strength
Excellent Machinability

Application:- Suitable for flexible packaging application, especially for high barrier properties.

3) Type:- J201M0
Description:- Normal density metallization on Corona side and other side plain
Standard Thickness* (µ):- 7,8,9,10,12,15,19,23,36,50 µ

USP:- Standard Density
Improved Metal Bond Strength
Standard Water Vapor and Gas Barrier properties
Good Lamination Bond Strength
Excellent Machinability

Application:- Suitable for flexible packaging application, especially for higher gloss and barrier properties.

4) Type:- J201M1
Description:- Normal density Metallized on plain surface and other side corona treated
Standard Thickness* (µ):- 8,9,10,12,15,23,36 µ

USP:- Standard Density
Standard Metal Bond Strength
Standard Water Vapor and Gas Barrier properties
Good for Printing and Lamination
Excellent Machinability

Application:- Suitable for flexible packaging application, especially for higher gloss and barrier properties.

5) Type:- J202M0
Description:- High density Metallization on corona surface and other side plain
Standard Thickness* (µ):- 8,10,12 µ

USP:- Average Density
Standard Metal Bond Strength
Moderate Water Vapour and Gas Barrier properties
Standard Lamination Bond Strength
Excellent Machinability

Application:- Suitable for flexible packaging application, especially for higher gloss and barrier properties.

6) Type:- J202M1
Description:- High density Metallized on plain surface with plasma and other side corona treated.
Standard Thickness* (µ):- 10,12,36 µ

USP:- Average Density
Standard Metal Bond Strength
Moderate Water Vapour and Gas Barrier properties
Standard Lamination Bond Strength
Excellent Machinability

Application:- Suitable for flexible packaging application where high barrier is required

7) Type:- J202M4
Description:- High density Metallization on corona surface and other side plain
Standard Thickness* (µ):- 8,10,12 µ

USP:- High Density
Standard Metal Bond Strength
Good Water Vapour and Gas Barrier properties
Good Lamination Bond Strength
Excellent Machinability

Application:- Suitable for flexible packaging application, especially for high barrier properties requirement

8) Type:- J221M0
Description:- Normal density metallization on pre-coated co polyester side and other side plain
Standard Thickness* (µ):- 8,10,12,23 µ

USP:- Standard Density
Good Metal Bond Strength
Standard Water Vapour and Gas Barrier properties
Standard Lamination Bond Strength
Excellent Machinability

Application:- Suitable for flexible packaging application where good barrier and high metal bond is required, film is not recommended for liquid / sterilization application

9) Type:- J221M4
Description:- High density metallization on pre-coated co polyester side and other side plain
Standard Thickness* (µ):- 8,10,12 µ

USP:- High Density
Good Metal Bond Strength
Good Water Vapour and Gas Barrier properties
Standard Lamination Bond Strength
Excellent Machinability

Application:- Suitable for flexible packaging application where high barrier and high metal bond is required

10) Type:- J222M1
Description:- Normal density Metallized on pre-coated co polyester surface and other side corona treated.
Standard Thickness* (µ):- 10,12,15 µ

USP:- Standard Density
Good Metal Bond Strength
Standard Water Vapour and Gas Barrier properties
Corona side good for Lamination Bond Strength
Excellent Machinability

Application:- Suitable for flexible packaging application where high barrier and high metal bond is required

11) Type:- J222M4
Description:- High density Metallized on pre-coated co polyester surface and other side corona treated
Standard Thickness* (µ):- 10,12 µ

USP:- High Density
Good Metal Bond Strength
Good Water Vapour and Gas Barrier properties
Corona side Good for Lamination Bond Strength
Excellent Machinability

Application:- Suitable for flexible packaging application where high barrier and high metal bond is required

12) Type:- J222M5
Description:- Ultra high density metallization on pre-coated co polyester side and other side corona
Standard Thickness* (µ):- 12 µ

USP:- High Density
Good Metal Bond Strength
Excellent Water Vapour and Gas Barrier properties
Good Lamination Bond Strength
Excellent Machinability

Application:- Suitable for flexible packaging application where high barrier and high metal bond is required

13) Type:- J231M3
Description:- Normal density Metallized on plain surface and other side chemically pre-treated
Standard Thickness* (µ):- 10,12,23 µ

USP:- Standard Density
Standard Metal Bond Strength
Standard Water Vapour and Gas Barrier properties
Good for Printing and Lamination

Application:- Suitable for flexible packaging application, chemical treated side is suitable for printing

14) Type:- J231M4
Description:- High density Metallized on plain surface and other side chemically pre-treated
Standard Thickness* (µ):- 10,12,23 µ

USP:- High Density
Standard Metal Bond Strength
Good Water Vapour and Gas Barrier properties
Good for printing and Lamination

Application:- Suitable for flexible packaging application, chemical treated side is suitable for printing.

15) Type:- J232M3
Description:- Normal density Metallized on corona surface and other side chemically pre-treated.
Standard Thickness* (µ):- 10,12 µ

USP:- Standard Density
Standard Metal Bond Strength
Standard Water Vapour and Gas Barrier properties
Good for Printing and Lamination

Application:- Suitable for flexible packaging application, chemical treated side is suitable for printing

16) Type:- J232M4
Description:- High density Metallized on corona surface and other side chemically pre-treated.
Standard Thickness* (µ):- 10,12 µ

USP:- High Density
Standard Metal Bond Strength
Standard Water Vapour and Gas Barrier properties
Good for printing and Lamination

Application:- Suitable for flexible packaging application, chemical treated side is suitable for printing

17) Type:- J233M3
Description:- Normal density Metallized on plain surface with Plasma and other side chemically pre-treated.
Standard Thickness* (µ):- 8,10,12,15 µ

USP:- Standard Density
Standard Metal Bond Strength
Standard Water Vapour and Gas Barrier properties
Good for Printing with UV Curable Ink and Standard Lamination Bond Strength

Application:- Suitable for flexible packaging application, chemical treated side is good for surface printing with UV curable inks.

18) Type:- J234M3
Description:- Normal density Metallized on Corona surface and other side Chemically Pre-treated.
Standard Thickness* (µ):- 10,12,15 µ

USP:- Standard Density
Improved Metal Bond Strength
Standard Water Vapour and Gas Barrier properties
Good for printing with UV curable ink and Lamination

Application:- Suitable for flexible packaging application, Chemical treated side is good for surface printing with UV curable inks.

19) Type:- J261M0
Description:- Normal density Metallized on pre-coated chemical surface and other side plain.
Standard Thickness* (µ):- 10,12 µ

USP:- Standard Density
High Metal Bond Strength
Good Water Vapour and Gas Barrier properties
Standard Lamination Bond Strength
Excellent Machinability

Application:- Suitable for flexible packaging application where good barrier and high metal bond is required, film is recommended for liquid packaging application

20) Type:- J262M1
Description:- Normal density Metallized on pre-coated chemical surface and other side corona
Standard Thickness* (µ):- 10,12 µ

USP:- Standard Density
High Metal Bond Strength
Good Water Vapour and Gas Barrier properties
Good Lamination Bond Strength
Excellent Machinability

Application:- Suitable for flexible packaging application where good barrier and high metal bond is required. Film is suitable for hot fill application also.

21) Type:- J262M4
Description:- High density Metallized on pre-coated co polyester Surface and other side corona treated.
Standard Thickness* (µ):- 10,12 µ

USP:- High Density
High Metal Bond Strength
Good Water Vapour and Gas Barrier properties
Good Lamination Bond Strength
Excellent Machinability

Application:- Suitable for flexible packaging application where good barrier and high metal bond is required. Film is suitable for hot fill application also.

22) Type:- J262M5
Description:- High density Metallized on pre-coated co polyester Surface and other side corona treated
Standard Thickness* (µ):- 10,12 µ

USP:- High Density
High Metal Bond Strength
very Good Water Vapour and Gas Barrier properties
Good Lamination Bond Strength
Excellent Machinability

Application:- Suitable for flexible packaging application where good barrier and high metal bond is required. Film is suitable for hot fill application also.

23) Type:- J281M0
Description:- Normal density Metallization on chemical coated surface offer high metal adhesion performance.
Standard Thickness* (µ):- 12 µ

USP:- Standard Density
High Metal Bond Strength
Standard Water Vapour and Gas Barrier properties
Excellent Lamination Bond Strength
Excellent Machinability

Application:- Suitable for flexible packaging application where high metal bond is required. Film is suitable for hot fill applications

24) Type:- J281M5
Description:- High density Metallization on pre-coated chemical surface and other side Non treated
Standard Thickness* (µ):- 12 µ

USP:- High Density
Excellent Metal Bond Strength
Excellent Water Vapour and Gas Barrier properties
Excellent Lamination Bond Strength
Excellent Machinability

Application:- Suitable for flexible packaging application where high barrier and high metal bond is required. Film is suitable for hot fill applications.

25) Type:- J450M0
Description:- Normal density Metallized on plain surface and other side plain.
Standard Thickness* (µ):- 12,13 µ

USP:- Standard density
Good Metal Bond Strength
High Gloss
Excellent Dimensional/Thermal Stability.
Excellent Machinability

Application:- Specially designed for Metallic yarn application.

26) Type:- J500MO
Description:- Normal density Metallized on plain surface and other side plain.
Standard Thickness* (µ):- 23,50,100,110,125,135,140,150 µ

USP:- Standard Density
Standard Metal Bond Strength
High Gloss
Standard Lamination Bond Strength
Excellent Machinability

Application:- Suitable for flexible packaging, glitter powder application, especially for higher gloss

27) Type:- J530M0
Description:- Normal density Metallized on plain surface and other side plain.
Standard Thickness* (µ):- 50,150 µ

USP:- Standard Density
Standard Metal Bond Strength
Standard Lamination Bond Strength
Excellent Machinability

Application:- Suitable for flexible packaging, glitter powder application, especially for higher gloss

28) Type:- J700M0
Description:- Normal density Metallized on plain surface and other side plain
Standard Thickness* (µ):- 12,23 µ

USP:- Standard Density
Isotropic Mechanical property
High Thermal Stability and Good Machinability.
Standard Metal Bond Strength
Good Water Vapour and Gas Barrier properties

Application:- Suitable for flexible packaging application

29) Type:- J701M0
Description:- Normal density Metallized on corona treated surface and other side plain.
Standard Thickness* (µ):- 12,23 µ

USP:- Standard Density
Isotropic Mechanical property
High Thermal Stability and good Machinability.
Improved Metal Bond Strength
Good Water Vapour and Gas Barrier properties

Application:- Suitable for flexible packaging application,

30) Type:- J950MO
Description:- Normal density metallized direct matte polyester film with medium surface gloss.
Standard Thickness* (µ):- 12,23,36,50 µ

USP:- Standard density
Medium surface gloss
Good dimensional / thermal stability.
Excellent Machinability

Application:- labels and other industrial application.

31) Type:- J952M1
Description:- Normal density Metallization on translucent direct matte polyester film and other side corona treated
Standard Thickness* (µ):- 12,23,36,50 µ

USP:- Standard Density
Excellent Dimensional / Thermal Stability.
Excellent Machinability
Suitable for Printing

Application:- labels and other industrial application.

32) Type:- J951M0
Description:- Normal density Metallized direct matte one side metallized and other side chemically coated.
Standard Thickness* (µ):- 12 µ

USP:- Standard Density
Good Dimensional / Thermal Stability.
Excellent Machinability
Suitable for Printing & Lamination

Application:- labels and other industrial application

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