Reference Numbers
M - 1169Product
Hot Runner Plate Assemblies System
- Yudo provides plate assemblies (Modu system) which are fully assembled, wired and thermally tested before shipment.
- This option provides a faster and more convenient method of installing the Yudo Hot Runner Systems.
- The plate assemblies system eliminates any problems associated with wiring and hot runner assembly.
It can also help to reduce mold manufacturing line.
- An ID card is attached to every modu system. This enables the customer to search for detailed data of their plate assemblies system on the Yudo website, at anytime, anywhere in the world.
Eco-Modu System:
Eco-Modu system is assembled system by only essential parts of Hot runner system which is composed of nozzle, manifold, connecting system, however it is very easy to assemble eco-modu system to the mold.
Ez-Modu System:
- Ez-Modu system is a simplified modu system.
- Fully assembled, wired and thermally tested.
- Wires are fully protected by steel cover.
- An id card.
(For images, please see next pages)
For More Details Contact:
Mr. Vishal Agarwal
Yudo Hot Runner India Pvt. Ltd.
Tel.: + 91-250-2451155 / 56
Mobile: +91-9820020622