Reference Numbers
M - 1264Product
Thin Wall Container Moulds
1) 19 lbs container moulds
- Product Dimension: 22.3 Dia x 16.7 cm
- Production: 248 grams
- No. of cavity: 1
- Mould dimension: 45.72 x 45.72 x 46.99 cm
- Product Dimension: 23 Dia x 1.8 cm
- Production: 64 grams
- No. of cavity: 2
- Mould dimension: 38.73 x 38.10 x 74.93 cm
- Price: US$ 8,000
2) 37 lbs container moulds
- Product Dimension: 30.2 Dia x 38 cm
- Production: 792 grams
- No. of cavity: 1
- Mould dimension: 60.96 x 60.96 x 63.50 cm
- Product Dimension: 30.4 Dia x 1.8 cm
- Production: 174 grams
- No. of cavity: 1
- Mould dimension: 50.80 x 27.94 x 50.80 cm
- Price: US$ 32,000
All of them are currently in our warehouse. The molds were recently tested. All of them are in working condition.
(For images, please see next pages)