DSM expands Dyneema® production in USA

Royal DSM N.V. plans to invest in expansion of Dyneema®UD (UniDirectional bullet resistant sheet) production by 25% in its Greenville, North Carolina (USA) manufacturing facility. The investment is driven by the increasing demand for Dyneema® UD in the US market for personal and especially vehicle security and protection against terrorism. Production in Greenville has a strong focus on supplying the US army and law enforcement agencies. By adding extra capacity to its highly integrated Greenville site, DSM remains capable of meeting increasing demand for its products and highly committed to the long term development of the US market. The new line is expected to come on stream in mid 2008. DSM also plans to invest in a newTechnical Service center at DSM's Stanley, NC (USA) facility. DSM will continue to further expand its global capacity for Dyneema® fiber and UD materials to maintain its global market leadership position.
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