Linde to build two olefin plants in Western Siberia

The Linde Group has won several key contracts for plant engineering and gas supply projects in Russia. Under the terms of these unrelated deals, Linde is building two olefin plants for two chemical customers in Western Siberia. In addition, the company will be building an air separation unit (ASU) to ensure the long-term on-site supply of industrial gases to a steel company in the Moscow region. The combined value of these new contracts is estimated in excess of €530 mln. Linde-KCA-Dresden GmbH, member of The Linde Group, will construct a polypropylene plant with an annual capacity of 500,000 tons in Tobolsk, Western Siberia, for Tobolsk-Polymer LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Russian company SIBUR Holding JSC. This will be integrated into SIBUR's new complex to dehydrogenate propane and manufacture polypropylene in Tobolsk. LKCA has already started engineering work. The company plans to deliver large parts of the new plant to Tobolsk in 2010 and 2011 and to go on stream some time mid 2012. Valued at around €450 mln, this plant currently ranks as one of the defining investments in the Russian petrochemical industry. Linde will also be planning and overseeing construction of a gas separation and ethylene plant in West-Siberian Novy Urengoy for the chemicals company Novy Urengoy Gas and Chemical Complex (NGCC), a wholly owned subsidiary of the Russian company Gazprom in a project worth around €47 mln for Linde. The ethane cracker will have an annual capacity of around 420,000 tpa of ethylene. Construction work is already underway here. NGCC is currently building a chemical complex in Novy Urengoy, where the ethylene generated at the Linde plant will be used to make polyethylene.
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