For Sale - PCM - 3378 - Multilayer Blown Film Lines


Reference Numbers

PCM - 3378


Multilayer Blown Film Lines

Product Details

KET with more than 262 multilayer film plant installations, have been catering to the rapidly growing needs of the flexible packaging industry. With the objective of meeting the new challenges faced by the market for improved film properties and cost optimizations, KET has been in the forefront of introducing multilayer blown film with latest technology like internal bubble cooling (IBC), oscillating haul-off and advanced Winding solutions. KET's power efficient, high speed multilayer blown films line gives the advantages of lower conversion costs, high outputs and excellent film quality, providing processors the competitive edge and quick return on their investment.

Multilayer lines are equipped with advanced CAD design dies to ensure uniform flow distribution, excellent melt characteristics and film quality.

A crucial internal bubble cooling (IBC) mechanism facilitates higher output, optimum thickness randomization of minimum conversion cost.

A special air cooling ring enhances optical and mechanical properties of film and output.

A state of the art oscillating haul-off unit provides excellent gauge randomization, improved roll geometry and film quality. The film winders provide superb quality rolls for tension sensitive films. The film line assembly is backed up by computer integrated control systems to achieve stage by stage production management and product quality control.

(For more details and picture, please see next pages)

For More Details Contact:
Kolsite Maschine Fabrik Ltd. (KMF)
Mr. Anand Kabra
Tel.:+91-22- 26734822

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