For Sale - PCM - 3399 - LX Series - Single Screw Pipe Extrusion Lines for PE/PPR/ABS


Reference Numbers

PCM - 3399


LX Series - Single Screw Pipe Extrusion Lines for PE/PPR/ABS

Product Details

PE Pipe Extrusion Line: Windsor's extruders display and reflect technical superiority
- The screw and barrel are designed and developed to match specific raw material and end product requirement by simulation software
- We offer barrier screws yielding improved output rate, low melt temperature and improved melt quality

General applications for HDPE:
- Potable water
- Waste water
- Slurries
- Compressed gases as well as oils
- Telecom ducts

Grooved feed systems:
- Improved material conveying capacity
- Higher productivity compared to conventional design
- Pressure invariance
- Uniform throughout and melt temperature

PPR Pipe Extrusion Line:
- Versatile screw designed for PE and PP Random Copolymer
- Sizes specifically designed with extra cooling arrangements and pre-cooling facilities

General applications for PPR:
- Extreme cold and hot water transportation
- Chemicals and hazardous waste
- Industrial, i.e. transportation of corrosive fluids (like acids) and liquid foods etc.
- Agriculture and horticulture
- Compressed air plants
- Swimming pools
- Rain water harvesting and utilization systems

General applications for ABS:
- Capable of handling a wide variety of fluids from refrigerants to moderately hot corrosive liquids
- Transportation of wide range of acids, alkalis
- Slurries

(For more details and images, please see next pages)

For More Details Contact:
Windsor Machines Limited, Extrusion Division
Mr. Manoj Prakash
Tel: +91-79-40 200 200, 40 200 238, 2584 1017, 2584 1591/2/3
Fax.: +91-79-25842059

International Sales: +91-79-40 200 300
Fax: +91-79-25842145