For Sale - PCM - 3601 - Extruder


Reference Numbers

PCM - 3601



Product Details

Raj Engineering Extruder:
Screws and Cylinders are made of alloy steels [EN-24 for hardened / EN-41B for gas nitrided screw and cylinder] Surface treated Screws and Cylinders can operate at the high temperature/high pressure conditions prevalent in the extruder. The Stand is fabricated from thick channels. The highest grades of materials are used for fabricating the machinery.

Screw is designed according to the material required to be processed. Cylinders are provided with ample thickness to withstand internal pressure as well as regular wear and tear. A Helical gearbox fitted with a heavy duty thrust bearing and a cooling coil is used for mounting the cylinders. This provides for good efficiency and easy maintenance. A specially designed stand ensures that there is minimum vibration even when operating the extruder at its maximum rated speed. The extruder is powered by a standard AC motor, which is properly aligned with the gearbox to provide maximum efficiency.

Temperature Control:
The Control Cabinet, provided with an automatic cut-off system, regulates the temperature of the cylinders through the use of digital temperature controllers, good quality heaters and thermocouples. Blowers are additionally provided on extruders requiring more accurate temperature control.

- Reprocessing / Recycling Plant
- Blow Film Plant
- Profiles [Casing-Capping, Symmetrical Profiles]
- Pipe Plant [PVC, LDPE, LLDPE, HDPE]
- Drip Irrigation Plant
- Cable Coating Plant

(For picture, please see next page)

For More Details Contact:
Raj Engineering Works
Mr. Mangesh Manjrekar
Tel.: +91-20-65104541
Mobile: +919923791818

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