Reference Numbers
PCM - 4751Product
EVA Extrusion Line For Solar Film
A solar panel assembly consists of the solar cells sandwiched between the backsheet and top glass by EVA film, which when laminated transforms into a clear & transparent layer.
What is Solar EVA Film?
EVA stands for Ethylene Vinyl Acetate film which is primarily used to encapsulate the solar cell assembly onto its frame.
EVA film is the perfect encapsulant since it offers 99% optical transparency to effectively transmit solar rays onto the cell assembly.
The average solar panel is guaranteed for 20 years and the EVA film is required to provide long term adhesion and perfect transparency for the entire life cycle.
Basic Functions of EVA Film:
High light transmission for front encapsulant
Low modulus
Protects cell from corrosion
Adhesion to front glass and cell
Adhesion to back sheet and cell
Solar Grade EVA films have high VA content
Breyer EVA Extrusion Line has many benefits:
Highest Speed
Highest Output
Lowest Production Cost
Complete Recipe with the Package
More Profitable
Controlled Lowest Shrinkage
Embossed or Smooth Surface
Shortest Payback Time