For Sale - PR - 325 - 2-Way Entry Partial/Double Deck Pallet


Reference Numbers

PR - 325


2-Way Entry Partial/Double Deck Pallet



Product Details

Pallet type:- Non-Reversible
Surface Finish:- Antiskid/Plain


* Durable & Weather Proof

* Light Weight

* Cost Effective

* Eco-friendly

* Steel Reinforced for giving optimum static and dynamic load

* Weatherproof, Termit proof & Fungus resistant

* Resistant to most chemicals

* Maintenance free due to high durability

* High Thermal resistance (-40C to 80C)

* The compatibility of our pallets with the handling equipment, Fork-lift, Stacker & Trolleys to centpercent

* User friendly Stackable, lightweight, Anti-skid, 2/4 way entry can be handled with any lifting equipments internationally available

* Our Steel Reinforced Pallets will be ideally suitable in all your Materials Organisation, Stores Area where materials are stored in Rack, Floor Stacking, Lubrication Drum Storage

* Available in various standards sizes and can be custom designed for special application to suit your requirement

* High Resale value compared to FRP & WOOd after continuous use

* Pallets do not leave any Chips like FRP & WOOD pallets

* Pallets are widely used by Pharmaceutical & Food processing Company due to cleanliness (HYGENIC)

* Pallets are repairable, if damaged due to mishandling


Bottling Plants, Breweries, Refineries, Leather Tanneries, Cold Storage, Port Trust, Pharmaceuticals, Food Industries, Fertilizers, Petrochemicals, Cement plants, Export Shipments, Palletization, Dairy Industries, Chemicals & Acid Storage, Paper, Pulp Storage, Electronic Cables, Drug warehouses, Confectioneries etc.


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