For Sale - PR - 3416 - Innovation 5 Ply Plastic Corrugated Sheet for Heavy Duty Usage


Reference Numbers

PR - 3416


Innovation 5 Ply Plastic Corrugated Sheet for Heavy Duty Usage



Product Details

Designed to meet the growing demand for stonger packaging materisls, Stagguard is an easy to handler convert and customize 5 layered plastic corrugated sheet . A patented product , Staggard is one of the finest example of our constant innovation

Possessing several amazing properties, Stagguard sheets can be converted into boxes, cases and returnable transport conatiners, according to the specific requirements.

Features and Benefits.
Extremely lightweight & durable
Industrial -grade packaging material with ability to replace ply woof for packaging
High resistance ability to a wide range of chemicals and oils
Completely scratch and impact resistant
Easy to handle manage and customize according to requirement 6100% recyclable
Weather and thermal conductivity resistant

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