For Sale - PR - 1641 - Metallised Plastic Film


Reference Number

PR - 1641


Metallised Plastic Film



Product Details

Metallized products act as an alternative to less environmentally acceptable products with similar properties like foil, PVC, etc. What's more, the extremely thin layer of only 0.00005 mm thickness of metallising offers the highest yield per m2 compared to other barrier materials. Metallized Plastic Films are extensively used in flexible packaging where barrier is required. Excellent coating properties with uniformity across the width provide consistent results. There is an endless list of products where metallized films are used. This includes Snack Food Packets, Cosmetics Sachets, Soap Wrappers, Confectionery Products, Gift-Wrapping, Air Conditioning Ducts etc.

We metallise PET, BOPP, PVC, LDPE films in thickness ranging from 9 microns to 200 microns. We have the latest metallisers equipped with online plasma treatment facilities to provide better metal adhesion to the film surface and are able to provide optical density (O.D.) as high as 3.50 +. Moreover, our products can be provided in various roll widths and diameters.

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