For Sale - PR - 2545 - Plastic Carry Bags


Reference Number

PR - 2545


Plastic Carry Bags


Mumbai, India

Product Details

- Our range of plastic bags including plastic carry bags, garbage bags are available in various colorful prints and act as a complete moisture barrier.
- These are highly effective in safeguarding the items kept within

Plastic Carry Bags

- With the help of our excellent team, we are able to come up with plastic carry bags, which are available in all sizes and are very durable.
- The bags are apt for carrying heavy loads.
- The new designs, patterns and sizes that we offer are exquisite.
- We also customize our range according to the demands of our client.

Garbage Bags

- The garbage bags that we manufacture are nature friendly and are recyclable.
- They are of no threat to the environment, as they are made in an eco-friendly process.
- They are of great demand in the commercial areas, industrial areas, hotels, hospitals as well as at homes.
- They are the best to dispose of the waist material from around the society.

For More Details Contact:
Vishi Plast Mumbai, India
Mr. Bharat Purohit
Mob: +91 8447496545, 9324483712
Tel: +(91)-(22)-28783712
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