For Sale - PR - 1198 - Sheets


Reference Numbers

PR - 1198



Product Details

Sheets 70°/80° or 90° Shore A

Standard dimensions: 3000 x 1000 and 2000 x 1000

Thickness: 1 to 50 mm

Widths of 2000 mm up to a length of 6000 mm are also available on request. Sheets with contact layer or epanded metal.

Round bars 70°/80° or 90° Shore A Standard dimensions: ø 8 up to 200x1000 mm in steps of 5 or rather 10 mm ø

Supply: In standard dimensions, cut to size, bevelled, drilled, roughened or welded

Applications: For die-cut parts, such as screening mats or packings (gaskets, seals);
scraper bars; scraper blades; deflectors; linings; spring elements; absorbers; stoppers etc.

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