For Sale - PR - 1714 - Wood Composite Pallets


Reference Number

PR - 1714


Wood Composite Pallets


Middle East

Product Details

Our processed wood pallets are molded from a moldable composition comprising all kind of wood fiber mixture and adhesive.

The detailed material compositions are as follows:
- Mainly recycled woods from used wooden pallets, wood wastes from the furniture industries and etc.
- Flour (Food Grade)
- Soya (Food Grade)
- Binder - Melamine Urea - Formaldehyde (Similar as particleboard)

Our processed wood pallets are manufactured almost in the same way as particleboard. After drying the woodchips at very high temperature to moisture content less than 5%. It is molded under hot compression molding process in addition with similar binder used in particleboard under very high pressure and temperature, respectively. No living plants can survive this hot compression molding process. The high density of our processed wood pallets is resistant to any wood boring insect and future infestation. Therefore these pallets are considered "wood based panel" or manufactured processed wood products. These are no risk material according to FAO - IPPC ISPM, (International Plant Protection Convention - International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures). Wood based panels can be used as packing or as pallets without any additional fumigation or heat treatment.

Our processed wood pallets and manufacturing processes are fully in compliance with the regulatory requirements - ISPM Guidelines.

- We are truly green and eco-friendly processed wood pallet.
- Our products contain very low levels of emission.
- Our products meet the acceptance criteria for the landfill disposal.
- Our products comply with the Restriction of Hazardous Substances.
- Our products are water resistant.
- Our products are high resistant to termite attacks.

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