Established in 1970, the Gujarat State Plastic Manufacturers' Association (GSPMA) is one of the leading plastic manufacturers associations in the state of Gujarat and in India, representing Plastic Industry at State as well as Central level. At present, total membership strength of the Association stands more than 2000. GSPMA is also one of the founder members of the PLASTINDIA FOUNDATION, the apex body engaged in the research and development of the Plastic Industry in India and dedicated to national progress through plastics.
GSPMA is working for the cause of Plastic Industry since last more than three decades. GSPMA has been engaged in the promotion of image of Gujarat based units in the country and has been functioning as a major link betweeen the Industry & the Government.
GSPMA is organising technical seminars, workshops on various subjects from time to time to update the knowledge of the members. As per our tradition, we also organize an Annual Seminar on a key issue concerning the industry at national level.
GSPMA had organized national level plastics exhibition/seminar PLEXPO in the year 1979 and 1995 & 2004. These events are considered to be the landmark in the history of GSPMA. We also participate in the national/international plastics exhibition from time to time. Till the date, GSPMA had participated in PLASTINDIA' 90, PLASTINDIA'94, PLASTINDIA' 97 , PLASTINDIA 2000 & PLASTINDIA 2003 an International Plastics Exhibition held at New Delhi, PLASTIVISION' 92, PLASTIVISION' 95, PLASTIVISION' 98, PLASTIVISION"01 national level plastics exhibitions held at Mumbai, PLASTPACK' 97 & PLASTPACK' 2000, PLASTPACK'03, plastics & packaging exhibitions held at Indore & PLASTO 2003 at Pune.
GSPMA publishes its own quarterly magazine namely, PLASTIC SANDESH. This is the house journal of the Association, which covers important articles and information features. GSPMA is publishing Directory every year to commemorate the annual event covering very useful information pertaining to Plastic Industry. Both the publications are having vide circulation amongst members and plastic community. GSPMA is also releasing circulars frequently.
GSPMA is also actively associated with the follwoing institutions:
Gujarat Chamber of Commerce &
Industry |
Gujarat State Small Industries Federation |
All India Plastic Manufacturers Association |
All India Federation of Plastic Industries |
Indian Plastic Institue |
Indian Plastic Federation |
All India Flat Tape Mfrs. Association |
Central Institute of Plastic Engineering & Technology (CIPET) |
The Plastic Export Promotion Council (PLEXCONCIL) |
Federation of Associations of Small Scale Industries of India (FASSI) |
Small Industries Servcie Institute (SISI) |
Industrial Extension Bureau (INDEXTb) |
Gujarat state Export Corporation Ltd. |
Laghu Udhyog Bharti - Gujarat |
Chemtech Foundation |
Indo German Tool Room |
and many more.  |