Shree Rubberplast - Manufacturers of Plastic Packaging Items for Pharma, Cosmetics & Personal Cares

Shree Rubberplast Co. Pvt. Ltd. is one of the leading manufacturers and exporters of Injection and blow molded plastic packaging products since the past 30 years. We offer one of the widest available ranges of different packaging products in Indian market ranging from 2.5 ml bottles to 50 liters. Drums and Jerry cans. We have an inventory of 600 blow and injection moulds of attractive shapes and sizes. We have in-house labeling and screen and pad printing facilities at both our plants. We have 2 units- one in Mumbai and the other outside Mumbai. We undertake development of any plastic product as per our customer’s needs (Specifications / Drawings) since we have our in-house tool rooms. We supply to major customers in Agro Chemical, Lubricant, Fine Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Diagnostics, Cosmetics and Consumable Industries. We manufacture different products in PE/PET/PP/PS/ABS and other plastic material. Considering the potential of Pharmaceutical industries both in domestic and export market, we are planning to expand our activities in this sector. We are setting up a new unit at Vasai with clean room facilities and class 10000 facilities installed by Retan, Belgium.

Agro Chemicals Products

All Agro / Pesticides / Insecticides contents like Monocrotophos, Dichlorvos, Acephate, Hexaconazole, Glyphosate, Imidaclorpid etc are generally packed in HDPE / PET bottles subject to Suitability & feasibility of the product.
We are the leaders in supplying packaging material of these products along with the other accessories to most of the agrochemical industries in India. We have various sizes & shapes which are printed & are catering them to the utmost satisfaction in seasonal business.
In HDPE the family packaging available are given below
Euroneck Shape 12.5ml, 25ml, 50ml, 100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1ltr. Agro Chemicals Euroneck Shape

Pesticides Agro
S.O Shape 30ml, 50ml, 100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1Ltr.
A.K Shape 100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1Ltr.
Kissan Shape 100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1Ltr.
Monitor Shape 100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1Ltr.
Ciba Shape 100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1Ltr.
Orkem Shape 50gms, 100gms, 250gms, 500gms
Triangular Shape 100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1Ltr, 2.5Ltr.
Tamaron Gold Shape 250gms, 500gms, 1Kg, 5Kg.
Twin Neck Container 250ml, 500ml, 1Ltr.
In PET the family packaging available as:
Round Shape 250ml, 500ml, 1Ltr in Amber colour
In bigger packaging the sizes available in HDPE are given below:
Triangular Shape, Nocil Shape, Rallis Shape, Godrej Shape 5 Ltr.
Stackable Type 10 Ltr, 20 Ltr.
Godrej Shape Jerry Can 10Ltr.
Mouser Shape 20 Ltr.
In addition, we can provide other accessories like
Measuring cups 50ml - For PET bottle
25ml - For Aluminium Container
20ml, 50ml, 75ml - For Triangular / Euroneck Container
12.5ml, 25ml - For Triangular Measuring Cups
Plastic Scoops 25gms
Screw plugs with PVC rings for aluminium bottles
Screw plugs with Aluminium sleeve

Pharma Packaging Products

In past, most of the pharma products were packed in Glass Bottles, with the time & continuous research in plastic material certain products have switched over to plastics by considering the fact of price criteria & suitability of packing contents.
But presently, Modern technologies & Hitech Research in quality assurance in certain plastic raw materials having food & drug approved grades are used in specific pharma products.
We are the people to implement the use of this latest development of plastic material and are producing the Plastic products in mass quantities.
Our plastic packaging available are given below :
Dropper bottles in specific grades for eye, ear, & nasal drop preparation 2.5ml, 3ml, 5ml, 10ml,15ml, 20ml Innovative Plastic Bulb Dropper

Pharma Packaging Products - Tablet Containers - Available Sizes - 50 cc, 85 cc, 160 cc & 275 cc
Injection vials in specific grade for injectibles 5ml, 10ml, 20ml, 30ml
Bottles in Amber colour in specific grade for syrup / tonic etc. 30ml, 60ml, 100ml, 120ml, 200ml
Bottles for sprinkling powder skin preparation 10gms in Flat & Oval shape
Bottles for Dusting Powder Container 75gms square
Bottles for dry syrup / suspensions in round & square 30ml, 60ml, 120ml
Measuring cups with graduation for syrup / tonic bottles 5ml for 22mm Ropp neck size
10ml for 25mm Ropp neck size
5ml for 25mm Ropp neck size
10ml for 22mm Ropp neck size
10ml for 28mm Ropp neck size
Plastic pilfer proof closures for syrup / tonic bottles 22mm, 25mm, 28mm neck size
Pet bottles in Amber colour 25mm neck size 60ml, 100ml, 120ml, 200ml
in round shape ,100ml,200ml in brute shape & 100ml, 200ml in Square shape
Tablets / Capsules containers 10nos to 1000 nos. subject to size of tablet & capsules
Plastic spoons 1ml, 2.5ml / 5ml, 5ml
Plastic Spoon with Measuring Cups 10ml
Nasal spray bottles 10ml - with pilfer proof cap & 15ml with plain cap
Vial Transportation Boxes Small , Medium, Big size
CR cap (Child Resistant) 25mm, 28mm, 32mm, 37mm

Bulk Drugs & Fine Chemicals

Solid packaging We have full family range in square shape.
75ml, 135ml, 250ml, 450ml, 570ml, 750ml, 1100ml, 1600ml, 2ltr, 2.5ltr, 4ltr, 6.5ltr.
Bulk Drugs & Fine Chemicals - Solid Packaging Bottles
Liquid packaging H2O2 bottle in black colour : 500ml & 1000ml.
Godrej shape Jerry Cans: 250ml , 500ml , 1 Ltr, 2 Ltr, 2.5 Ltr & 5 Ltr.
Acid packaging 500ml , 725ml, 1ltr in round shape & 2.5ltr,&, 5ltr in square shape.
Other chemicals 5ltr in capacity in 3 shapes.
Godrej shape, Nocil shape, Mahavir shape.


Single step device Cassettes
For pregnancy, Aids, Hepatitis B etc.
Diagnostic - Dropper Bottles
Square containers for packing chemicals reagents 30ml, 50ml, 100ml.
Dropper bottles 5ml, 10ml, 15ml.
Bulb droppers


Shampoo shape bottles for packing shampoo & lotion Plain & flip top cap 60ml, 120ml, 200ml  
Brihans shape bottle for packing shampoo & lotion with plain & flip top cap 30ml, 60ml, 120ml
Hair Oil Bottle in PET/ PP/ HDPE 50ml, 100ml, 200ml, 300ml
Gel Container 30ml
Cream container 25gms, 50gms, 200gms

Consumable plastic

• Plastic cutlery - Set of spoons, Knife, Fork
• Five compartment tray
• 4 in 1 Picnic glasses
• Disposable straws - Plain & Bended
• Sip in glass
• Millennium Mug
• Microwave food containers
• Disposable cups & glasses
• Baby feeding bottles
• Plastic Hangers
• Table Mats
• Carriers Bags
• Falooda spoon with straw
• Ice-cream containers (Egg & Ball Shape)
• Key chains
• Surgical range of non woven disposable product
• Face Mask, Surgeons Cap, Shoe cover etc.
• Disposable plastic gloves
Consumable Plastic Products

Agro Chemicals Products | Pharma Packaging Products | Bulk Drugs & Fine Chemicals | Diagnostic |
Cosmetics | Consumable plastic

Contact Us
Company Name
Shree Rubber Plast Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Contact Person Mr. Shrenik Dalal, Managing Director - Cell: +91 9821051431
Address 201/C, The Platinum Bldg, 2nd Floor, OFF. Gulmohar Road, Juhu Lane, Andheri (W), Mumbai – 400 058, India
Contact Number
+ 91 22 26256841 / 42 / 26286674
Contact Number
+ 91 22 26286675
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