The Organization of Plastics Processors of India was established in 1984 to promote healthy growth of the plastics processing industry in India in overall interest of Processors, consumers and society at large. As a representative leading body OPP presents member's views in the proper perspective and creates a platform for interaction with the government for formulation of progressive policies and good manufacturing practices. OPP provides appropriate inputs to the industry to enhance quality, productivity, technology and manpower skills up-gradation. Today, OPP members form the backbone of the Indian Plastic Processing Industry and the plastic products manufactured by them are appreciated all over the world. Nearly, 40% of the processing of the polymers in India is done by the OPP members.
Organization of Plastics Processors of India has been conducting programmes on subjects relevant to the Plastic Processors, taking delegation to foreign countries to study the functioning of the processing industry by visiting Plastics Processing factories in those countries, creating database on Polymer import figures and other topics like basic rates of polymers at different periods of time, organizing need based seminars/workshops, conducting special studies on subjects like WTO issues, sending Government Notifications to the members and so on.
Organization of Plastics Processors of India publishes bi-monthly journal – “PLASTISCOPE”. The contents of this house journal include details of the activities carried out by OPP, National & International Plastic News, details of Research & Development in the field of plastics carried out globally, Government News and Notifications, websites connected with plastic industry and other items useful to the Plastic Processors.
Organization of Plastics Processors of India is committed to promoting environmental excellence through plastics by replacing scarce natural raw material, saving energy and improving the quality of life. 