The 3rd show of Plastic, Printing and Packaging (PPP) Pakistan 2006 is set to fortify its position as the foremost trade event uncovering the potential of these three synergistic sectors of the region.

Plastic, Printing & Packaging Pakistan sets the standard in terms of trade visits and exhibits being witnessed at the exhibition. Serving the closely integrated industries of Pakistan and the region, the exhibition will showcase the latest trend-setting equipment all with comprehensive value for the industry under one roof.

With a focus on plastic, printing and packaging related machinery, equipment and technology, this all-inclusive event will provide the ultimate networking platform between South Asia and diverse foreign markets

Pakistan's economy achieved an impressive GDP growth rate of 8.4% in 2004~05, the highest in two decades and the third fastest growing economy in Asia. Powering the economy with its superb performance, the manufacturing sector accounted for 18.3% of GDP while registering a growth of 12.5%.
The co-related industries of Plastic, Printing & Packaging have registered a phenomenal growth during the past few years where printing and graphic arts industries are the second largest industries in terms of work force in PakistanPakistan's plastic industry is thriving at an average annual growth rate of 15% with a total estimated production capacity of 624,200 million tonnes per annum. The industry attracted investment amounting to more than US$ 260 billion, almost half of which was foreign direct investment (FDI), all contributing to an exceptional export growth by 35%.The Plastic, Printing & Packaging industry is closely interrelated with other basic industries producing goods for industrial, commercial and domestic markets. Automotive, cosmetics, toys, chemicals, stationery, paper & board, electronics, food, publishing and furniture are some of the major industries utilizing materials and state-of-the-art related equipment and technology to increase output and meet increasing demands in domestic & foreign markets.Adding further strength to the industrial progress, Pakistan has established successful export markets for its plastic goods. In foreign markets including countries like Australia, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, West Indies, UAE, Kuwait, Taiwan, Nigeria and Zimbabwe; Pakistan is strategically well placed to target the all-important local and international buyers in one of the world's largest trading regions.

Contact Us
Company Name Plastic, Printing and Packaging
Contact Person Ms. Grace Chan
Address 1 Maritime Square, #09-43 HarbourFront Centre, Singapore- 099253
Contact Number 65 - 6278 4077
Email grace@cems.com.sg
Contact Number www.cems.com.sg
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