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Precious Products (India) Private Ltd.

Precious Products (India) Private Ltd. started in 1993 in Pune, India and in a short span of time it has achieved a unique position in the market due to the combination of technology, quality and know-how. We manufacture high performance, multi-cavity, precision moulds such as Hot Runners, Auto-Unscrew and Composite moulds for plastic components catering to Oral Care, Personal Care, Health Care, Cosmetics & Perfumes Packaging.

Precious has supplied around 400+ moulds to various international clients and have been catering to Indian FMCG sector also. Today, Precious is one of the few companies specializing in producing world-class injection moulds for caps & closures & cosmetics components. Highly qualified and trained engineers carry out the entire operations. An ISO 9001/2000 company, Precious was formed in 1993 by Mould Hobbings of U.K. and the technical collaboration lasted till 1998. This was followed by a technical know-how from WIRO, Germany for the next two years.Top


Multi-cavity, precision moulds with hot runner systems for Caps & Closures & cosmetic components
Catering to Oral care. personal care, healthcare, cosmetics & perfumes packaging.
What We Offer

a) Aesthetics - Mould surface finish directly reflects on the product.
b) High Volume Requirement - Managing a multicavity mould from design to production and maintenance is     a challenge.
c) Accuracy & Consistency - Subtle details and mechanisms require close tolerances shot to shot.
d) Sensitive Product Cost - The only way to meet the demand is having a multicavity mould running at an     optimum cycle.

How you Benifit ? Productivity through Design - How can a well designed mould lessen downtime ?

a) Selection of mould materials - Materials are carefully selected to reduce wear and maximise thermal     conductivity for effective cooling and shorter cycle time. We use pre-hardened, corrosion resistant steel     for blster plates and various combinations of other special materials for stacks, depending on the     application.

b) Faster Maintenance - We incorporate modular design and maintain interchangeability. The mould     construction will facilitate easy dismantling and replacement of worn out parts. Cleaning the nozzle tips     of hot runner systems for product changeovers is made possible without removing the mould from     injection moulding machine.

c) Innovative Ideas - We have developed an efficient and user friendly hot runner system. The parts like     manifold and nozzles are made in-house and are cost effective. We can also incorporate other hot     runner systems, if required. Unscrewing mechanisms with stationary or rotary cores(for threaded     components) and optimization of cooling components for faster set ups, are proven features.Top


a) Product Design - The only thing you require is an idea or a reference product. Our design team will     assist you in visualising the new product and also advise you on the mould and production.
b) Pilot Moulds - Before investing in actual multicavity mould, we offer you the option of Pilot-Mould. This     service provides you with a low cost, one or two cavity test mould. We even do a few thousand pieces     test run to help you in test marketing.
c) After Sales - From installation to supply of worn-out components for replacement, we are with you.
d) Warranty - We offer 'flawless product' and 'non-stop production' warranty on all our mould for the     agreed period.Top

Precision Valve Ltd. - Australia
BIC - France
Emirates Polystyrene - U. A. E.
European Perfumery Works - U.A.E.
Starion Cosmetics - U.K.
Tristar Corporation - U.S.A.
Colgate Palmolive (India) Ltd - India
Loreal - India
Oriflame - India
Johnson & Johnson Ltd. - India
Modi Revlon Ltd. - India
Hindustan Lever Ltd. - India
Godfrey Philips India Ltd. - India
Essel Propack Ltd. - India
Gillete India Ltd. - India
Betts India Ltd. - India Top
Contact Person Precious Products (India) Private Ltd.
Mr.Sunil J Shah
Address Plot No.1 To 4, Gate No. 986 Sanaswadi, Taluka Shirpur, Pune 411208 Maharashtra, India
Contact Number 06752-252404
Fax 06752-252404
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