The SIES School of Packaging / Packaging Technology Center has been established with the following objectives:
To undertake Research & Development in the fields related to Package Design and Manufacture and Packaging Processes.
To set up educational programmes in packaging sciences and technology for grooming packaging professional.
To offer technical advisory services to industries and organizations in the following areas related to packaging.
Quality evaluation and Upgradation
Packaging enhancement, promotion
Market and economic feasibility
To set up a data center for collating and disseminating informationTop
In a very short span, the SIES School of packaging/packaging technology center has earned for itself a position as one of the reputed institutes of packaging – grooming packaging professionals of excellence. The packaging technology center, today is regarded as one of the most well-equipped centers for package testing, research & development, etc. Top
SIES School of Packaging / Packaging Technology Center is affiliated with the following institution of world repute:
Victoria University of technology (VUT)
  Victoria University, Australia
The Institute has also established association with
Government Institute of Printing Technology, Mumbai
The affiliation and association provide for institutional c0-operation and support in the discipline of packaging science and technology through exchange of information, students & staff and joint research activity, etc.
The affiliation brings along a strong:
Transport package design, CAD and material handling.
Specialization in pre-press, proofing and colour measurement.
Update on printing techniques.
All of which will result in value- based additions. Top
One year graduate technology course in packaging
Part Time
Distance Education
Post-graduate Diploma in Packaging Science and Technology
One year Packaging Management Programme
Hands-on Laboratory Training – Company / Product / Material-oriented
Industry Specific Programmes – Industry / Product / Material-oriented
Assessment of packaging media for rightful, optimal and economic applications and identification of improvement needs.
Development of scientific and appropriate package for product, environment, distribution and markets.
Evolve the ‘packaging economics' concept that integrates the total packaging system.
Quality Assurance
Laboratory and field assessment of packaging media and packages for physical / mechanical / biological / microbiological / optical / electrical properties and performance needs.
Product – Package compatibility studies and shelf – life evaluation.
Certification against national and international standards and codes.
Material – methods corroborative programmes.
Testing Facilities
State–of–the–art equipments conforming to standards.
Property / Test Certification and interpretation of results.
Environmental exposure programmes.Top
Data Interface
Economic and Market Research Data
Techno Economic Feasibility Studies
Product / Materials / Machinery – Source Identification
Abstracts and Technical Notes
Information Zone
Reprographic Services
Research Documents Top
The SIES – SOP / PTC is closely linked to quite a few trade bodies connected to packaging and is the Secretariat of IFIBCA, IPMMI and LMAI. Contributes to environmental safety as a resource to ICPE and package promotion through the forums of TPC and PFFCA.
Close liaison with industry and industry associations towards industrial development. Top
Contact Us
Contact Person Dr. Narayan
Address Sri Chandrasekarendra Saraswathy Vidyapuram, Plot 1C, Sector V, Nerul, Navi Mumbai 400 706, INDIA
Contact Number + 91- 22- 27713841 / 27713834 / 27713357
Contact Number + 91 - 22- 27718620
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