For Sale - UM - 21758 - Battenfield 7 Layers Co-Extrusion Line


Reference Number

UM - 21758


Battenfield 7 Layers Co-Extrusion Line

Year Of Manufacture




Product Details

Materials to be processes: LLDPE/ LDPE/ LLD/ HDPE/ PP/ Borstar/ Metallocene/ Borcene/ other blends.
Almost any barrier film including PA, EVOH
Extruders: 7 Extruders with the following screw diameter:
A: 75 B:50 C:50 D0-50: E-50: F:50: G:75
Head: 7-Layer blown film die head
Die diameter 510 mm
Die Gap: 2,3 mm
Output: 650 kg/h
Air Ring
Width: 2100 mm
Reels diameter up to 1000 mm

Web guide
Calibrating basket
Gravimetric weight control system Doteco with 4
components blender
Dosing units
Corona-treater Ferrarini & Benelli
Air shafts 76 mm/152 mm

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