For Sale - UM - 24041 - Ghioldi 3 Layer Blown Film Plant
Reference Number
UM - 24041
Ghioldi 3 Layer Blown Film Plant
Year Of Manufacture
Product Details
2 extruders diam. mm.55, 78 kW 30 L/D 1 extruder diam.75 mm. 142 kW, 30 L/D 3 lever type screen changers Melt control system 3-layers type 400 still die Ø mm.300 gap. mm.1,4 IBC cooling system AM500/2 dual flow cooling ring 2 temperature exchange batteries electrical cabinets with Mitzubishi inverters Oscillating pull-off system
Gusseting units FIFE web guider Bubble driver with vertical adjustment and sensor for automatic bubble inflating (maximum Ø 1.175 mm.) for 3.386 mm.web circumference) Back to back winding station 1.680 with 4 expandible mandrels