For Sale - UM - 22604 - Macchi 3 Layer Blown Film Extrusion Line


Reference Number

UM - 22604


Macchi 3 Layer Blown Film Extrusion Line

Year Of Manufacture




Product Details

Number of layers: 3
Film structure: ABC
Material: LDPE, LLDPE, Thickness 20 - 200 micron
Film Width: 1800
Output (Kg/h): 400 kg/h
Extruder 1 Layer ref: : A
Screw diam: 65/30 D
Description: 4 heating zones - AC motor 74 kw, hydraulic screen changer, gravimetric blendeer
Doteco 6 comp
Extruder 2 Layer ref: : B
Screw diam: 100/30 D
Description: 5 heating zones - AC motor 180 kw, hydraulic screen changer, gravimetric blendeer
Doteco 6 comp
Extruder 3 Layer ref: : C
Screw diam: 60/30 D
Description: 4 heating zones - AC motor 74 kw, hydraulic screen changer, gravimetric blendeer
Doteco 6 comp
Head description: Coex Flex TE 503; die range 300-500 mm, IBC , blowing and exhaust fan
11kw controlled by inverters.Automatic air ring KArat
Thickness controll system: Automatic profil control, plascontrol magic flow
Bubble cage: No marking system GSRC 2350/8 - 5 with 5 lavels and 8 syncro arms with
motorized remote controlled opening and height adjustment, 4 x Ultrasonic sensors for auto
control of IBC.
Panel for gussets:Motor driven
Take off unit: Oscillating ST 199 - 1800 oscillating width 1800 mm useful 1700 mm - S shape
Double cooling
Corona treatment
Web guide: E & L
Rewinder Type: Double back to back
Rewinder max reel diameter: 1200 mm
Rewinder description: BOPLUS + easy load - Roll diam 1200 mm
Additional informations: Mech speed 150 m/min

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