For Sale - UM - 23609 - Macchi 3 Layer Blown Film Plant
Reference Number
UM - 23609
Macchi 3 Layer Blown Film Plant
South Africa
Product Details
2) 65mm 30/1 L/D extruders each with Servo motors (1) 80mm 30/1 L/D extruder with Servo motor Each extruder is equipped with hydraulic screen changer Oscillating nip roll assembly Martignoni treater (2) blown film dies available, 350mm O.D. and 400mm O.D. with 1.8mm die gap Piovan gravimetric blending system with 4-component capability. No cooling tower included. Includes back-to-back double winders for approximately 30" O.D. rolls Includes Auto Gauge control system from K-Design Germany Fully automatic IBC cooling system Carbon fiber dual lip air ring included with dies