Reference Number
UM - 22461
Windmoller & Holscher Varex 3 Layer Blown Flim Plant
Year Of Manufacture
Product Details
Number of layers: 3
Film structure: A-B-C
Material: LDPE, MDPE
Film Width: 1800
Output (Kg/h): 350 Kg/h - Melting capacity 480 kg/h
Extruder 1 Layer ref: : A
Screw diam: 60 L/D 30
Description: 3 component gravimetric dosing system, type continuous, motor 60 Kw, hydraulic
screen changer
Extruder 2 Layer ref: : B
Screw diam: 60 L/D 30
Description: 3 component gravimetric dosing system, type continuous, motor 60 Kw, hydraulic
screen changer
Extruder 3 Layer ref: : C
Screw diam: 60 L/D 30
Description: 3 component gravimetric dosing system, type continuous, motor 60 Kw, hydraulic
screen changer
Head description: Type B 315/ 400-3P2, IBC, auto diam control with 3 ultrasonic gauges, gap
1.2 mm
Die diam (mm): 350 mm
Thickness controll system: YES, automatic, gauge Kundig, control WuH Optifil P2
Bubble cage: yes
Take off unit: Oscillating
Corona treatment: Yes, Ferrarini Benelli
Rewinder Type: Doiuble rewinder
Rewinder max reel diameter: 1200