For Sale - UM - 20415 - Ghioldi 3 Layer Blown Film Co-Extrusion Line


Reference Number

UM - 20415


Ghioldi 3 Layer Blown Film Co-Extrusion Line



Product Details

Completely reconditioned in 2013 and seldom used since then
most suitable for shrink film but can be used for other items as well.

Extruders diam. mm.55, 30 L/D a.c.78 kW
Extruder diam.75 mm., 30 L/D a.c.142 kW
3 lever type screen changers
Melt control system
3-layers still die mm.300 gap. mm.1,4
IBC cooling system
AM500/2 dual flow cooling ring
2 temperature exchange batteries
Electrical cabinets with Mitzubishi inverters
Oscillating pull-off system width mm.1.700
FIFE web guider mm.1.700

Bubble driver with vertical adjustment and sensor for automatic bubble inflating

Back to back winding station 1.700 with 4 expandible mandrels, working width 1.680 mm.

Automatic film cutting
Automatic reel unloading system
Bolted 12 m.tall tower with 3 storey, ladders
Cason corona treatment mm.1.700
Doteco gravimetrical units (1 for ach extruder)
N.3 spare screws
Keys, manuals, drawings, English program for PLC.
Average output 300 kg/h depending on materials
FOB/CIF conditions available as well as spares and accessories.

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