For Sale - UM - 18028 - Engel 770 Ton Injection Moulding Machine


Reference Numbers

UM - 18028


Engel 770 Ton Injection Moulding Machine

Year Of Manufacture


Present Condition

Machine is in excellent working condition



Product Details

Shot size:- 176 PS 135 HDPE oz.
Model number:- DUO7050/770 PICO US
Type:- horizontal
Options & upgrades:- includes Engel viper 40 robot, magnetic platens

Machine notes:-
Options & upgrades 8” increase in mold height and maximum daylight,
Barrier mixing screw with pneumatic shutoff nozzle,
Ceramic heater bands, injection unit swivel,
Speed control electrical screw drive for increased screw speed,
4 air circuits on each side, pneumatic valve gate,
Air blow both platens, speed control electric screw drive,
Core pull both platens, pressure release for all core pulls,
Electrically adj variable displacement pump with pressure and volume regulation,
Position control proportional valve, motion no motion,
Core and eject motion no motion,
Inject forward during opening and closing,
Interface for conveyor,
22.8" drop area., auto protect precision mold protection,
Speed and pressure monitoring, robot interface,
Part drop confirmation
Clamp:- 2-platen
Tie bar distance:- 43.3" inches x 37.8" inches
Platen size:- 59.4" inchesx 56.7" inches
Daylight min:- 17.7" inches
Daylight max:- 80.8" inches 45.4" max mold height
Core pull sequences
Types of controls:- CC200
Voltage:- 460
Barrel & screw:- excellent
Hours:- 61,195
Material run:- HDPE

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