For Sale - UM - 17342 - Netstal 600 Ton Injection Molding Machine
Reference Number
UM - 17342
Netstal 600 Ton Injection Molding Machine
Year Of Manufacture
Present Condition
Machine is in Very good condition.
Product Details
Netstal 600 Ton Injection Molder (High Speed) Model: Synergy S-6000-3700E Shot Size: 54.5 oz. Clamp Stroke: 37.402" Mold Thickness: 33.465"/53.150" Min shut height: 33.465" Max shut height: 53.150" Distance between tie bars: 40.16" x 40.16" or 1,020 mm x 1,020 mm Platen size is: 60.24" x 60.24" or 1,530 mm x 1,530 mm Max daylight: 90.551" Pot diameter: 80 mm Length" 98.16 cubic inches Grams: 1,454.42
Equipped with:- Netstal Control, screenshot Core Pull Accumulators Robot Interface Inj. accumulators Under Power Currently running with IML robots Set up to run valve gated or hit tip runners Can run hydraulic ejectors on either/both platens
New Chillers/Optional: Universal Chilling Systems, Inc. Air Cooled, Water Cooled and/or Glycol Chillers