For Sale - UM - 20393 - Macchi 3 Layer Blown Film Extruder
Reference Number
UM - 20393
Macchi 3 Layer Blown Film Extruder
Year Of Manufacture
Product Details
Number of layers:- 3 Overhaul/renovation:- renovation 2013 mechanical and electronic upgrade; new control pannel and new tickness control and dosing system, several mechanical upgrade in 2013;
Film structure:- ABC Material:- LDPE,LLDPE,mLLDPE,MDPE,HDPE Film Width:- 1600 mm Output:- 300 Kg/h Extruder 1 Layer ref:- A Screw diam:- 55 mm Description:- DC motors Extruder 2 Layer ref:- B Screw diam:- 80 mm Description:- AC motor gravimetric dosing units inno-plast Extruder 3 Layer ref:- C Screw diam:- 55 mm Description:- DC motors Head description:- Automatic thickness control and automatic cooling ring Inno-plast from 2013 Die diam:- 300 mm Thickness controll system:- Inno-plast Bubble cage:- motorized Take off unit:- rotating Web guide:- E&L Rewinder description:- back to back Additional information:- ABC extruder description:AC motor (B) and two DC motors (A and C), Inno-plast gravimetric dosing units from 2013 year (VIP 5300 model) (A and C four components, B three components)