For Sale - UM - 10890 - Battenfeld 3 Layer Blown Film Plant


Reference Number

UM - 10890


Battenfeld 3 Layer Blown Film Plant

Year Of Manufacture




Product Details

- Diameter head(s): 550 mm
- Gap(s): 1,4 and 0,5
- Diameter screw(s): 120 / 120 / 90
- Extruders building years: 1975, 1986 & 1994
- Resins handled: PE
- Max. film width: 2000 mm
- Min./Max. film thickness: 25 - 150 mu
- Max. Output: 450 kg/hour
- Type of screen changer: Hydraulic (1 Extek and 2 Tierod)
- Dosing unit: No, bus some loaders
- IBC: No
- Corona treatment: Yes, Sherman treaters
- Rewind manufacturer: Battenfeld
- Rewind type: Dual stacked turret winder
- Max. rewind reel diameter: 750 mm
- Line management: Plast control
- Air ring: Plast control Magic Flow K7500 (Oct. 2010)
- Including: 3 and 6 inch rewind bars
Unloading system available to lift bars from reels
- Notes from the seller: Tower and haul off optional for additional price Spare die to same specifications for additional price

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