Reference Numbers
UM - 16416Product
FONKEE 3 Layer Blown Film Extrusion LineYear Of Manufacture
Materials: LLDPE / LDPE / HDPE / PP / Borstar / Matalocen / Borcene / recyling
Films : General Purpose Packaging Films, Shrinkable Films,
Lamination Films, Black/White Colored Films, Films for Bag, Printed and Non Printed films
Extruders: 2 x55 mm, L/D:1:30
1 x 70 MM L/D.1:28
Die Dimensions (Head) : 3 layer Squiral Mandreal Big Body Die
Die Diameter 400 mm
Die Gap 2,2 mm
IBC inner bubble cooling System
Machine Production Capacity (kg/) : 300 kg/h
Actual production can be changed according to raw material type and quality, formulation ratio, operator skill and capability, cooling and envirionmental conditions
Cooling Ring: SATURN /CANADA Brand high efficiency , dual-lip airiring
Take-Off : 1800 mm, horizontal Rotational Take off unit with cooling roll
Winders: 1800 mm, BACK TO BACK dual winders
Line speed 120 m/min
Roll diameter max 1000 mm
Film width 1700 mm
GAP/Contact/Surface type winding
3 and 6 inç air-expanding shaft
Roll unloading system
Airshaft holding Lifts
Cooling Cylinders
Raw Material suction, loading and dosing systems (Conair USA)
Computerized gr/m2 line speed and kgh throughput Control system with integrated supervisory computer (Allen Bradley)
Thickness measurment system OCTAGON( not working)
Corona Treater (USA made)
E/L German Brand Web Guide Control with automatic sensor position
3 and 6 inç air-expanding shaft
Air-shaft Handling Lifts
Cooling cylinders
Allen Bradley automation system with PLC
Zambello Gearbox from Italy
Tower Height 12 meter
Touch Screen Machine Operator Panels
All secrew and Barrel renovated in 2018
Overall die cleaning and chroming completed in 2018