Reference Numbers
UM - 16584Product
Macro 9 Layer Extrusion LineYear Of Manufacture
2013Present Condition
In ProductionLocation
Type of extruder : Blown
Diameter die : 230 mm
Diameter screw(s) : 7 x 45 mm 2 x 50 mm
Material & Min – Max thickness : LDPE, LLDPE, MPE, PP, Acid Copolymer, Coex tie resins, EVA, Ionomer, EVOH, PET, Nylon
Max. film width : 1000 mm
Min. – Max. film thickness : 30 - 250 micron
Max. output : 250 kg/hour
Rewind type : Stacked double turret
Max. rewind reel diameter : 500 mm
Rotating, which part : Take off
Dosing unit : Yes, gravimetric
IBC : Yes
Thickness measurement : Yes, X-ray
Edge guide(s) : Yes, E&L
Corona treater: Yes
Inline slitting : Yes
Tower construction included : Yes
Manuals available : Yes
Other information Perfect as test/lab unit