For Sale - UM - 4574 - Brampton Co-ex 3 Layer Blown Film Line


Reference Numbers

UM - 4574


Brampton Co-ex 3 Layer Blown Film Line

Year Of Manufacture


Present Condition

The line has been removed from service except the winder is still in operation.



Product Details

Used 1994 Brampton coex 3 layer blown film line, including:
a. Extruders A and C - Brampton 3.5" air cooled
- 125 HP Powertec Brushless motor and controller
- Koellman gearbox SN PEZ 20097201/4, Size PEZ 425, 280 HP HP rating, 1.0 SF factor, 1750 RPM, 125 SRPM

b. Extruder B - 4.5" 30:1 air cooled barrel
- 250 HP Powertec brushless DC motor with controller
- Koellman gearbox SN 20096111/2, Size PEZS 530X/4.5", 360 HP, 1.0 Service Factor, 13.95 Gear ratio, 1395 RPM, 100 SRPM

- 1997 Process Control 4 componenet gravimeric blending units for each. - Extruder B has Process control, roll feed grinder with trim intake, and exhaust blower, ASR refeed hopper and controls
- Italycs control panel and substation,
- Brampton 20" IBC die package with polycool units, blowers, controls and bubble cage
- 94" Brampton oscillating haul-off with collapsing frame
- 94" Corona Design treater station with Pillar controls and exhaust, switch board and disconnects, 460/3/60,
- Battenfeld GEC Model 10010 phanton axis dual turret winder 30" diameter rolls with autocut, infeed nip with slitting and trim removal, bolt together tower, resin piping, spare nip rolls, treater rolls, and screws.

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