For Sale - UM - 6537 - Complete Injection Molding Plant


Reference Numbers

UM - 6537


Complete Injection Molding Plant



Product Details

- Weight: 6700 Kg
- New in: 1989
- Extra: hydraulic and pneumatic cors
- Integrated Cartesian robot included, brand: Sytrama, New in 2005, transporting belt, etc.

2) MATEU & SOLE Injection Moulding Machine
- 100 ton
- New in: 1998
- Extra: hydraulic and pneumatic cors
- Integrated Cartesian robot included, brand: Sytrama, New in 2005, transporting belt, etc.

3) MATEU & SOLE Injection Moulding Machine
- 210 ton
- New in: 1997
- Extra: hydraulic and pneumatic cors
- Integrated Cartesian robot included, brand: Sytrama, New in 2004 Model RSV101 E3S, transporting belt, etc.

4) MATEU & SOLE Injection Moulding Machine
- 500 ton
- Weight: 30,000 Kg
- New in: 1994
- Extra: hydraulic and pneumatic cors
- Integrated Cartesian robot included, brand: Sytrama, transporting belt, etc.

5) MATEU & SOLE Injection Moulding Machine
- 500 ton
- Weight: 30,000 Kg
- New in: 1995
- Extra: hydraulic and pneumatic cors
- Integrated Cartesian robot included, brand: Sytrama, New in 2005, transporting belt, etc.

6) MATEU & SOLE Injection Moulding Machine
- 150 ton
- New in: 1998
- Extra: hydraulic and pneumatic cors
- Integrated Cartesian robot included, brand: Sytrama, New in 2005, transporting belt, etc.

Separate price for grinders, compressors, refrigerators would be for negotiation.

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