For Sale - UM - 7554 - Battenfeld Gloucester Three Layer Blown Film Line


Reference Number

UM - 7554


Battenfeld Gloucester Three Layer Blown Film Line



Product Details

- One (1) used Battenfeld Gloucester three layers blown film line consisting of the following:
- 2" Battenfeld extruder, 30:1 l/d, electrically heated, air cooled, feed hopper with 50 Hp DC motor with SCR controller
- 2" Battenfeld extruder, 24:1 l/d, electrically heated, air cooled, feed hopper with 25 Hp DC motor with scr controller,
- 1.5" Battenfeld extruder, 30:1 l/d, electrically heated, air cooled, feed hopper, 30 Hp DC motor with SCR controller, approximately 6" diameter stationary blown film die mounted on three component co extrusion block on stand, air ring with 15 hp blower, 44" wide Nip roll with (1) chromed and (1) rubber nip rolls driven by 3 hp motor, 44" wide x 84" high collapsible frame, vertically adjustable height with 1 hp motor, 63" wide GEC single turret two position winder, model 131, up to 24" roll diameter, serial# 15438-01, with (3) scr extruder motor controllers, full control panel for extruders, die, nip roll assembly and blower, 251" height to Nip rolls, 318" overall height of tower stand.
- Size: 2

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