Reference Numbers
UM - 8348Product
Macchi 3 Layer Blown Film Extrusion LineYear Of Manufacture
- Film structure: ABC
- Material: LDPE; LLDPE; 1V1DPE
- Film Width: 2400
- Output (Kg/hr): 450
Extruder 1 Layer ref: A
- Screw diameter: 65 mm
- Description: L/D30; cylinder Bimetallic: nitrurated screw; 4 zone heater; AC motor 74KW Screw dam: 80mm
- Description: LiD30; cylinder Bimetallic; nitrurated screw; 4 zone heater; AC motor
Extruder 3 Layer ref: C
- Screw diameter: 65 mm
- Description: L/D30; cylinder Bimetallic: nitrurated screw; 4 zone heater; AC motor 74 KW
Head description: IBC type Jet6 with inverter; Die diameter (mm): 400 mm gap 22mm
- Thickness control system: Yes, Automatic
- Bubble cage: Type GSRC 320018-6R + IBC 6 levels with 8 synchronized arms; with motorized positioning
- Panel for gussets: yes; motorized; 700 + 700 mm Take off unit: ST 199R-2400 oscillating 360deg
- Corona treatment: Yes
- Web guide: E+L
- Rewinder Type: DOUBLE
- Rewinder max reel diameter: 1200
- Rewinder description: Type B0210/D-2400; double station; 6 expanding reels 76arn diameter; hoist:
Additional information's: Bar with infrared control of film width:
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