Reference Numbers
UM - 17128Product
2 Layer Tecome Bown Film Extrusion LineYear Of Manufacture
Film extrusion line with two-layer blow molding
Used material:- The original and recycled LDPE, HDPE, LLDPE
Corona treatment: YES - flap, width of 10 mm flaps
Head dimensions [MM]:-180
Film width max [MM]:-1200
Film width min [MM]:-520
Discharging a cut:-Yes - BIG BAG
Slit [MM]:-1
Dispensers:- Yes - 2 x 3 items
Film thickness min - max [MM]
LDPE 0.020 - 0.160
HDPE 0.022 - 0.160
Machine capacity max [KG / H]
LDPE: 140
HDPE: 120
Fold width min / max:- 50 - 230
Print in a line:-NO
Winder type:-Tandem winder (back to back), 3 "
Controlling:- Controlled by PLC
Operator interface terminal
A spare set of cylinders and snails,
3 "barbell - 6 items