Plast Pack 2025 Geared Up for a Transformative Industrial Exhibition in Central India


- Indian Plast Pack Forum Prepares for a Grand Event

Indore: The Indian Plast Pack Forum (IPPF), representing the progressive plastic packaging and allied industries in Madhya Pradesh, is gearing up for a historic industrial exhibition, Plast Pack 2025, in January 2025. This landmark event promises to be the largest of its kind in Central India, featuring over 350 companies showcasing their products and machinery, demonstrating cutting-edge technologies and innovations in the industry.

Mr. Sachin Bansal, President of the Indian Plast Pack Forum, informed that the 4-day Plast Pack 2025 event will be held at the Labhganga Exhibition Centre in Indore from 9th to 12th January. The event is expected to attract over 2 lakh industrialists and businessmen from Central India, including Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, and cities like Bangalore, Mumbai, and Delhi. He further mentioned that the event is being established as a vibrant platform to foster connections, knowledge exchange, and potential collaborations among industry leaders and emerging talents.It will also provide guidance to young entrepreneurs and various sessions and workshops will be organized by central and state government departments and undertakings.

Mr. Bansal stated that this event will generate significant new employment opportunities along with the establishment, expansion, and development of new industries in the state. This event will actively promote the 'Make in India', 'Make in Madhya Pradesh', and 'Make in Indore' campaigns. Eight large domes will be constructed at the venue to offer visitors a live demonstration of various machinery. During this time, there will be live demonstrations of machinery, and dedicated pavilions will be set up to display polymer raw materials, finished plastic, and packaging products.

Mr. Bansal stated that the Plast Pack 2025 expo presents a remarkable opportunity to showcase Madhya Pradesh's commitment to sustainability. This event will bring together businesses, government officials, and NGOs from around the world to discuss the latest advancements in plastic recycling and Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) technologies. A special recycling pavilion will bea key attraction, providing visitors with information on how they can contribute to reducing plastic waste. He added that they invite organizations, industrialists, and traders from all over the country associated with plastics and packaging to participate in this event. They promise that this event will be the largest industrial expo in Central India, benefiting everyone.

For more information, please contact:
Indian Plast Pack Forum

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