Syensqo Expands its Bio-based Composite Material Portfolio of Epoxy Prepreg



Syensqo, previously part of Solvay Group, has developed a new version of its flagship MTM® 49-3 resin that contains 30% bio-sourced monomers. The new product variant complements the portfolio of the company’s MTM® advanced prepregs and targets structural automotive applications, including body panels, chassis components and spoilers. 

Just like the incumbent material, Syensqo’s new bio-based MTM® 49-3 has a dry glass transition temperature (Tg) of 190°C, and it exhibits enhanced toughness for superior impact resistance versus competitive thermoset prepregs. Thanks to its high strength-to weight ratio, it can yield component mass savings of up to 40% over metals. The product is compatible with autoclave and press-conversion processes and achieves curing at 135°C within 60 minutes. In addition, it has been designed for operator safety, and is free from carcinogens, mutagens or reproductive toxins. 

Source : Syensqo 

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