MAMATA offers Exclusive Solutions for Sustainable Packaging


Today we heard the word “Sustainable” more frequently in Plastic industry. So let’s look at what it really means. It is the core of many permutations & combinations derived out of the relationship between Environment; Economy & Society. Any approach which is a viable combination of Environment & Economy and is equitable for Society will bring a Sustainable solution and will be well suited for all. Hence, Sustainable packaging is not only caring about the Environment, but is a balance of all the three wings of our life.

Plastic in it-self is wonderful material.  Modern days great thinker Sadguru Ji has said “Plastic is really wonderful material”. It is just matter of how we use it and how we dispose it, is very important. We need to be more aware about how to use this material for greater benefit of the Environment; Economy & Society to make this wonderful material usage “Sustainable”.

Plastic littering has become biggest problem and creating harm to environment. We need to be very sensitive about the same. And the key to be really sensitive to environment is USE less that is first thing and USE Recyclable is second most important thing.

Key to address environmental sensitiveness is “USE LESS”, “USE RECYCLABLE” & “BEING AWARE ON LITTERING”.

There are many applications in which non-recyclable laminates are not required and instead of that film can be used which are recyclable. Brand owners and converters can use these films as packing materials instead of regular PET+PE laminates for their packages.


It is about how we use it and after having used how we dispose it. Disposal of Plastic is key. So it is not about banning but it is about our social awareness on how to use this material.


Historically, products were earlier packed in natural resources like Earthen Pots, Tree leaves, stems, barks etc. As we invented technology, we started using Metals, Tin containers etc. for bulk packaging. To bring class & convenience, we shifted to Glass, Ceramics etc. With invention of Paper, we started using paper based packages. Plastics for packaging were introduced only after 1940.


The product & packaging innovations were triggered by the joint efforts and needs of Retailers, Producers and consumers. The retailers were looking for greater product variety with shelf life improvements and over all marketability. The producers were always looking for increased flexibility, low cost of ownership & product differentiation. The consumers, the ultimate beneficiaries were craving for their convenience, on the go solutions, single serves for nuclear families & an urge to be different.


Nearly 42% of our total plastic consumption is being used for packaging. This consumption is growing at the rate of 11-12% annually. The only way to sustain this growth by adopting materials and films that are made from same family of Polymers, they could be Co-ex OR Laminates but as long as they are made from same family of polymers, they will be recyclable. Use converting equipment that is able to process such materials and make preformed pouches and packaging machines which are capable of using such new age materials.


Since many years, Mamata is offering Exclusive range of Customised Co-ex Film Plants, Bag & Pouch making as well as Packaging machines like Pick-fill-seal and Form-fill-seal machines which can very well handle unsupported (recyclable) films.



Mamata Group


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