PP based 3-Layer Blown film for BOPP bags

PP based 3-Layer Blown film for BOPP bags
(Continuation of earlier BOPP Bags article)

In an earlier article we reviewed eco-friendly BOPP laminated bags. We would carry forward the discussion with possible alternatives of BOPP film with a PP based 3-Layer Blown Film. This PP film can also be used in different other applications as metallised-PP film for high barrier & various other pouching applications.

In India, BOPP films are made by very few players on a large scale. It’s difficult & costly for small converters as they have small quantity jobs / requirements to be supplied in a shorter lead time. So the challenge against converter remains as cost & availability of BOPP films. Hence it gives a scope to find possible alternatives to BOPP film.

Mamata has a solution to offer for this in the form of - PP based 3-Layer Film Line. Mamata’s state-of-the art Multilayer films plants have successfully demonstrated PP based 3-Layer Film. It is possible to produce upto 12 micron film on a 3-Layer line. The produced film can be reverse printed and laminated with woven fabric to make a Laminate Bag.

Properties of both films (BOPP & PP Based 3-Layer Film) match to a great extent, mainly the physical properties such as transparency and mechanical properties. Additional advantage of Co-extruded Blown film are as :-
  • In comparison to BOPP film, there can be a substantial saving in laminates cost. Co-extruded film would cost a converter approx. 25% less over BOPP film.
  • Co-extruded film has better Seal Strength over BOPP film.
  • Higher Dart impact strength can be achieved in Blown film by blowing a film bubble at optimum Blow-up ratio (BUR) & using metallocene polyethylene material.
  • Desired mechanical properties can be achieved in blown film as film gets stretched in both MD & TD in blown film extrusion process. Properties can be further enhanced with the MDO process. It is possible to incorporate MDO equipment inline or offline.
  • The minimised film thickness is not compensated with stiffness and optics of the film and hence blown film is perfect option for woven sacks business.
  • Blown film provides excellent bond strength in printed and non-printed areas and doesn't need any special treatment or coating after printing.
  • Short jobs upto 500 kg of film can be made hence facilitating converters out of keep-in stock mechanism and finally enabling shorter product lead times.

For further related matters, industry is welcome to discuss with us.

With Regards,

Team Mamata

Mamata Machinery Pvt. Ltd.
Survey No. 423/P, Sarkhej Bavla Highway, Moraiya, Tal: Sanand, Dist.:Ahmedabad - 382213, Gujarat, INDIA.
Tel : +91 2717 630800, Email : sales@mamata.com, Web : www.mamata.com
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