10% sales growth anticipated by SCG this year

As raw material prices rise and the economy shows signs of improvement, Thailand’s largest industrial conglomerate - Siam Cement Group, expects its sales to grow by 10% in 2010. Prices of HDPE has increase by over 55% since Q1-09, paper prices have also increased and local cement consumption is expected to grow by 5-10% this year as the economy has shown clear signs of recovery in the past 10 months. 18 of SCG’s industrial projects in Map Ta Phut are still suspended by the Administrative Court, since last September when the court suspended operations at 76 industrial projects in the area for failing to satisfy constitutional environment and health requirements. SCG is seeking court permission to resume operations on five projects, and expects the court to revoke suspension of these projects
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EPS block moulding, thermocole plant

EPS block moulding, thermocole plant