3 week delay in test runs expected at Tianjin Dagu’s first 200,000 tpa ABS project

Test runs of China's Tianjin Dagu’s 200,000 tpa acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) project is expected to be delayed from mid-August to the first half of September, as per Platts. Commercial ABS cargoes from the plant will be delayed and be available only from early October. Feedstock styrene monomer, which comprises 60% of ABS, will be supplied from Tianjin Dagu's existing 500,000 tpa plant, butadiene will be sourced from Sinopec Sabic Tianjin Petrochemical, while acrylonitrile, which comprises 25% of ABS feedstock, will be sourced from both domestic and international markets. The company originally planned to build the ABS plant with two 200,000 tpa lines at the same site by Q4-09, but delays with the company's initial 500,000 tpa styrene monomer plant pushed the construction schedule back by almost a year. Startup of the second 200,000 tpa ABS line remains scheduled for H2-11
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