Active and intelligent packaging demand in the US forecast to grow at 13% pa

Active and intelligent packaging demand in the US is forecast to grow by 13% pa to US$1.1 bln in 2011, as per a report by Freedonia Group. Robust growth is projected for gas scavengers in active packaging, based on changes in the food product mix and increased cost-competitiveness driving the use of oxygen scavengers. From a value of US$315 mln in 2006, US demand for gas scavengers is expected to grow by 13.8% annually to reach US$600 mln in 2011. Moisture control packaging, another area of the active packaging market, will experience slower growth, due to the maturity of products such as desiccants and purge control pads. This demand is forecast to rise by 5.9% pa from US$225 mln in 2006 to US$300 mln in 2011. Nonetheless, it expects higher pharmaceutical packaging growth and more higher-performing, higher-cost products to be used. Significant advances are anticipated by Freedonia in the intelligent packaging sector, where demand will expand by 31.5% annually from US$42 mln in 2006 to US$165 mln in 2011. It says gains will come from the emergence of lower cost time-temperature indicator labels, as well as the growing awareness of these products as critical tools in improving food safety and reducing losses in perishables from temperature abuse in the supply chain. Also anticipated is increasing cost-competitiveness in other types of intelligent packaging, such as compliance monitoring packaging for pharmaceuticals, active pharmaceutical reminders, ripeness detecting labels and thermochromic labels. Freedonia estimates that food and beverages accounted for 72% of demand in 2006 for active and intelligent packaging. Fastest gains are expected in pharmaceuticals and beverages. Food applications will grow near the industry average, driven by the need to maintain longer shelf life with processed foods and packaged fresh foods, which bodes well for oxygen scavengers and polyethylene scavenging films, it said.
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