Almajdouie-Sumitomo venture to provide logistics services for petrochem industry

Almajdouie Trading Establishment has launched Rabigh Petrochemical Logistics - a joint venture with Japan's Sumitomo Warehouse Company, to provide logistics services for the petrochemical industry. Rabigh Petrochemical Logistics will offer an array of services including warehousing, container depot operations, road transportation, customs brokerage and freight forwarding within the GCC countries. "We have already succeeded in winning a major contract with Rabigh Refining and Petrochemical Company, which produces approximately 1.6 million tonnes of polymer products a year. The operations are expected to become active during the second half of 2008," commented Syed Mustafa, vice president of Almajdouie group. This will substantially contribute to the growth of our company. The contract covers a 10 year period and requires over 600 employees and 200 truckers to provide comprehensive logistics services for Rabigh Refining and Petrochemical Company," he added.
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