An innovative water soluble packaging solution

EcoSol® - a water soluble, biodegradable, poly vinyl alcohol (PVA) film ideally suited for packaging applications for a wide range of products including detergents and cleaners, degreasers, concrete additives, pigments, biocides, water treatment products, agricultural products, and others has been introduced by Cortec® Corporation. Water-soluble PVA bags, sachets, pouches manufactured from this film provide a convenient, safe and economical delivery system. EcoSol® has excellent organic solvent resistance, which allows the pouches and bags to be used not only for dry powders, but also for liquid products. EcoSol® offers excellent mechanical properties including tensile strength along with tear and puncture resistance allowing it to be used in a wide variety of rigorous applications, and is available in sheets and bags in a variety of dimensions and thicknesses, is heat-sealable, and can be printed with standard inks.
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Large capacity chemical storage tanks

Large capacity chemical storage tanks