Andhra Petrochemicals Ltd plans oxo alcohols capacity expansion at Visakhapatnam

The Andhra Petrochemicals Ltd. has planned expansion of its existing oxo alcohols production facility in Visakhapatnam, India. The expansion will increase production capacity to a total of 73,000 metric tpa of 2-ethylhexanol, normal butanol and iso-butanol from the current production of 40,000 metric tpa and is scheduled to go into operation during 2010. The company has selected LP Oxo Selector 30 Technology LP - a low-pressure hydroformylation process that uses propylene and synthesis gas to produce normal and iso-butyraldehydes. These butyraldehydes are then converted into 2-ethylhexanol ('2EH'), normal and iso-butanol, as well as other derivatives. As the selectivity ratio rises, output increasingly favors normal butyraldehyde production as a precursor for 2EH and normal-butanol. 2EH and butanols are used as plasticisers for PVC, and as solvents for coatings and adhesives, respectively. Demand for these products is expected to increase significantly over the next several years, driven by a strong and emerging Indian economy.
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