BASF 2011 sales in India see an increase of 15% compared to 2010

BASF in India has published its 2011 corporate report. “The BASF in India Report shows how we create value for our stakeholders by combining economic success with social responsibility and environmental protection,” said Mr. Prasad Chandran, Chairman BASF Companies in India & Head South Asia. “With this report, we aim to ensure transparency in our business operations and promote open dialogue with our stakeholders and the communities where we operate.” BASF in India achieved EUR 1.158 billion in sales by location of customer (Rs.75,137 million an increase of 15% compared to 2010 (Rs.61,056 million) despite economic volatility. With the merger of BASF legal entities in India and acquisition of the specialty chemicals business of Cognis in India, the focus remained on chemical innovations that address the challenges brought about by global megatrends, such as the need for resource efficiency, enhanced food and nutrition, and better quality of life. In 2011, BASF in India achieved a reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of 10% (59,219 metric tons), while emissions of air pollutants saw a decrease of 30% (327 metric tons) compared to 2010. Total primary energy consumption, which constitutes electricity, fuel and steam consumption per ton of product, decreased by 11% (38,536 MWh), 19% (61,196 MWh) and 4% (65,823 metric tons) respectively. Overall energy efficiency also improved due to improvements in certain production processes. In 2011, BASF’s Mangalore site won first position in the state-level “Safe Industry” award from the Government of Karnataka, in recognition of BASF’s consistent care and commitment towards the safety and security of its employees and the local communities surrounding its operations in Mangalore. On the social front, BASF in India undertook a joint project on Water Education with UN-HABITAT and The Energy & Resources Institute (TERI). The project targets 5,000 students from 25 schools in Mangalore and aims to bring about behavioral change among young students regarding water use. It will equip schools and students to analyze the physical and chemical properties of water and impart skills on how to purify water. Under its “Million Minds” initiative, BASF worked closely with industry associations to formulate a code of ethics for corporates, to help improve governance standards. BASF also held its seminar series on corporate governance and business ethics in collaboration with educational institutes. At the exchange rate of €1=Rs.64.885929 as on December 31, 2011.
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