Coca Cola to invest in US PET bottle plant to bottle recycling plant

As part of its integral goal of recycling or re-using all of its PET bottles in the US market, Coca-Cola plan to invest over US$60 mln in a US bottle recycling plant. This plant, that that Coca Cola claims will be the largest plastic bottle-to bottle recycling plant in the world, is to be located at Spartanburg in South Carolina. The new facility will produce 45,000 tpa of food-grade recycled PET and will be built by Coca-Cola and United Resource Recovery Corporation and will be in full operational by 2009 This plant forms part of a global recycling programme for the company's bottles which has seen investments in Switzerland, Mexico, Austria and the Philippines. Coca-Cola estimates that over the next ten years, the Spartanburg operation will eliminate the production of one million tonnes of C02 emissions - the equivalent of removing 21,500 cars from the road.
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500,000 Lids / day thermoforming machine

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